I love abstract art

Feel abstract art and its unique energy in each work

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There are a number of definitions of abstract art. The real question is - is it really possible to have one, coherent abstract art definition that would include all complexities of this movement? But, we could say that abstract artists use a visual language of shape, form, color, and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Abstract art movement does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world; or it does, but does not make any visual references.What is very important to mention when trying to define abstract art is the fact that abstract artists do not deal with the representational interpretation of a subject. The idea is to only communicate with the viewers in an attempt to understand “reality”. All types of abstract art share a common position – reality is s ubjective and not concrete, and it’s up to a viewer to define it.
You can read more about abstract art here

This page was coded by Dasha Yarkovska