

Y.T. is my heart and soul.
The main idea is to ask you first: "Why is it tactile?"
Then touch a notebook/ painting and no questions left.
No matter if touch by hand or eyes ;)

Firstly Y.T. started from hand-sewn notebooks and with some my art on it about 5 years ago. Then I learned more about paper and art: art of color and letters. I used to make some calligraply and started to experiment with different painting tools, bought acrylic paintings and gradually got depper in love with color! Last year I also made my first recycled paper. That made my stack of skills bigger and more interesting when choose how the new notebook or painting will feel and look at the end.

I was always searching for new ways of interaction and interpretation of my emotions and feelings in color. Trying to figure out my own style and so I do now.

Be free to watch and comment (and buy as well 💁‍♀️) my works in instagram y.tactile and y.t.abstract